Olá, Gamers...
Antes de começar esta postagem, segue um aviso!! =O
kkk... ^^
Colocados os pingos nos "Ís", vamos ao que interessa! =)
Essa foi uma pequena brincadeira para quebrar o gelo já prevendo alguns comentários, de que cheat "não é coisa de gamer de verdade", "que eu só jogo sem trapaças", que "game com trapaças não tem graça"... e até alguns de outra extremidade, dizendo que "utilizam cheats pra deixar o jogo mais dificíl ainda"!
De qualquer forma, atire a primeira pedra akele que nunca usou um cheatezinho! he, he, he... ^^
Confesso que eu gosto! =)
Particularmente, jogo o game normalmente uma ou mais vezes, depende se o jogo me interessa, e depois começo a brincar! =)
O ultimo game que usei cheat, foi Medal of Honor, quando me transformei em Rambo com balas infinitas, e consegui explorar partes do cenário que não se tem acesso se não for imune à chumbo! ^^
Bem, notem que eu usei a palavra "automáticos" no título desta postagem. Isso, porque o o game é identificado automaticamente! Assim que acontecer, basta pressionar BACK
+ START para abrir o browser do teclado e escolher o cheat desejado pelo numero!
NÃO SE ESQUEÇA de DESABILITAR o PLUGIN de SCREEN SHOT nas configs da FreeStyle, ou quando você pressionar START + BACK, em vez de abrir o menu abaixo, você vai tirar um print da tela atual! =) |
Os cheats estão dividido em 2 arquivos, um com trapaças para cerca de 200 jogos Games On Demmand e outro para cerca de 200 jogos Xbox Live Arcade!
Inicie a sua dash preferida, eu utilizo a Freestyle, agora transfira os diretórios dos cheats para o seu dispositivo de armazenamento, no meu caso um HDD, e iniciar o arquivo Launcher do cheat. A Freestyle vai reiniciar. Agora, inicio o game que deseja utilizar um cheat, e cruze os dedos pra ele constar na lista de cheats! ^^
Lista de cheats para games no formato GOD:
01 -58411220 -Amy
02 -584108F1 -Bionic Commando Rearmed
03 -584109DE -Bionic Commando Rearmed 2
04 -58410B83 -Charlie Murder
05 -5841085F -Double Dragon
06 -58411252 -Double Dragon: Neon
07 -5841128D -Double Dragon 2
08 -58410A67 -Dust: An Elysian Tail
09 -53450832 -End of Eternity
10 -58410A89 -Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime
11 -494707F4 -Ghostbusters: The Video Game
12 -58410B2B -Guardian Heroes
13 -58411247 -Jet Set Radio
14 -424507D1 -Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom
15 -565707D0 -Lollipop Chainsaw (U)
16 -445007D2 -OneChanbara X
17 -445007F4 -OneChanbara Z
18 -53450839 -Resonance of Fate
19 -58411236 -Sacred Citdel
------XBOX -----------------------------------------------
01 -45410083 -Black
02 -4D530051 -Conker: Live and Reloaded
03 -43430003 -Dino Crisis 3
04 -4D5300D1 -Fable: The Lost Child
05 -54430004 -Fatal Frame
06 -5443000A -Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly
07 -43430001 -Genma Onimusha
08 -5345000B -Gun Valkyrie
09 -4D530064 -Halo 2
10 -4D53006D -Jade Empire
11 -5345000A -Jet Set Radio: Future
12 -504C0002 -Kingdom Under Fire: Crusaders
13 -504C0006 -Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes
14 -4D530066 -Magatama
15 -5443000D -Ninja Gaiden: Black
16 -46530002 -OTOGI
17 -46530004 -OTOGI 2
18 -53450007 -Panzer Dragoon: ORTA
19 -4D53004A -Phantasy Star Online
20 -4D530032 -Shenmue 2
------Alan Wake ------------------------------------------
01 -4D530805 -Alan Wake
02 -58411233 -Alan Wake: American Nightmare
------Assassin's Creed -----------------------------------
01 -555307D4 -Assassin's Creed
02 -5553083B -Assassin's Creed 2
03 -5553085D -Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
04 -55530879 -Assassin's Creed: Revelations
05 -555308AE -Assassin's Creed 3
06 -555308C2 -Assassin's Creed 4
------Battlefield ----------------------------------------
01 -454107F9 -Battlefield: Bad Company
02 -454108A8 -Battlefield: Bad Company 2
03 -45410950 -Battlefield 3 (ASIA)
04 -454109BA -Battlefield 4 (ASIA)
------BioShock -------------------------------------------
01 -545407D8 -BioShock
02 -54540861 -BioShock 2
03 -5454085D -BioShock: Infinite
------Borderlands ----------------------------------------
01 -545407E7 -Borderlands
02 -5454087C -Borderlands 2
------Castlevania ----------------------------------------
01 -58410847 -Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
02 -58410A7A -Castlevania: Harmony of Despair
03 -4B4E0809 -Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
04 -58411408 -Castlevania: Mirror of Fate
------Call of Duty ---------------------------------------
01 -58410957 -Call of Duty: Classic
02 -415607D1 -Call of Duty 2
03 -415607E1 -Call of Duty 3
04 -415607E6 -Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
05 -4156081C -Call of Duty: World at War
06 -41560817 -Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
07 -41560855 -Call of Duty: Black Ops
08 -415608CB -Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
09 -415608C3 -Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
10 -415608FC -Call of Duty: Ghosts
------Crysis ---------------------------------------------
01 -45410968 -Crysis
02 -454108E3 -Crysis 2
03 -4541098E -Crysis 3
------Darksiders -----------------------------------------
01 -545107E6 -Darksiders
02 -54510896 -Darksiders 2
------Dead Island ----------------------------------------
01 -4B4D07DF -Dead Island: GOTY
02 -4B4D07F2 -Dead Island: Riptide
------Dead Rising ----------------------------------------
01 -434307D2 -Dead Rising (MID:346795BB)
02 -434307EC -Dead Rising 2 (MID:7DF4A079)
03 -4343081F -Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
04 -58410B00 -Dead Rising 2: Case West
05 -58410A8D -Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
------Dead Space -----------------------------------------
01 -45410857 -Dead Space
02 -454108DF -Dead Space 2
03 -4541099D -Dead Space 3
------Devil May Cry --------------------------------------
01 -4343081E -Devil May Cry HD
02 -434307DF -Devil May Cry 4
03 -43430824 -Devil May Cry 5
------Fable ----------------------------------------------
01 -4D5307F1 -Fable 2: GOTY
02 -4D5308D6 -Fable 3
03 -4D530A1A -Fable: the Journey
04 -58410B86 -Fable: Heroes
------Far Cry---------------------------------------------
01 -555307DC -Far Cry: Instincts Predator
02 -55530810 -Far Cry 2
03 -5553088C -Far Cry 3
04 -584113BF -Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
------F.E.A.R --------------------------------------------
01 -565507D9 -F.E.A.R.
02 -575207D3 -F.E.A.R. 2
03 -57520800 -F.E.A.R. 3
------Gears of War ---------------------------------------
01 -4D5307D5 -Gears of War
02 -4D53082D -Gears of War 2
03 -4D5308AB -Gears of War 3
04 -4D530A26 -Gears of War: Judgment
------Halo -----------------------------------------------
01 -4D530808 -Halo Wars
02 -4D5309B1 -Halo: CE Anniversary
03 -4D5307E6 -Halo 3
04 -4D530877 -Halo 3: ODST
05 -4D53085B -Halo: Reach
06 -4D530919 -Halo 4
------Hitman ---------------------------------------------
01 -5351081C -Hitman HD
02 -534307DB -Hitman: Blood Money
03 -53510804 -Hitman: Absolution
------Left 4 Dead ----------------------------------------
01 -45410830 -Left 4 Dead
02 -454108D4 -Left 4 Dead 2
------Lost Planet ----------------------------------------
01 -434307D3 -Lost Planet
02 -434307DE -Lost Planet: Colonies
03 -434307ED -Lost Planet 2
04 -43430830 -Lost Planet 3
------Medal of Honor -------------------------------------
01 -454107F6 -Medal of Honor: Airborne
02 -454108F7 -Medal of Honor
03 -45410993 -Medal of Honor: Warfighter
------Mass Effect ----------------------------------------
01 -4D5307E8 -Mass Effect
02 -454108CE -Mass Effect 2
03 -4541095D -Mass Effect 3
------Metal Gear Solid -----------------------------------
01 -4B4E0840 -Metal Gear Solid HD
02 -4B4E083C -Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
03 -4B4E080A -Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
------Ninety Nine Nights ---------------------------------
01 -4D5307DB -Ninety Nine Nights
02 -4B4E0810 -Ninety Nine Nights 2
------Ninja Gaiden ---------------------------------------
01 -544307D5 -Ninja Gaiden 2
02 -4B5607D4 -Ninja Gaiden 3
03 -4B5607E4 -Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor Edge
------Overlord -------------------------------------------
01 -434D07D5 -Overlord
02 -434D0809 -Overlord 2
------Prince of Persia -----------------------------------
01 -58410865 -Prince of Persia: Classic
02 -5553080C -Prince of Persia
03 -5553083E -Prince of Persia: TFS
------Resident Evil --------------------------------------
01 -43430822 -Resident Evil: Code Veronica
02 -4343081C -Resident Evil 4
03 -434307D4 -Resident Evil 5
04 -4343081D -Resident Evil: ORC
05 -43430819 -Resident Evil 6
06 -43430833 -Resident Evil: Revelations
------Saints Row -----------------------------------------
01 -545107D1 -Saints Row
02 -545107FC -Saints Row 2
03 -5451086D -Saints Row 3
04 -4B4D07F6 -Saints Row 4
------Silent Hill ----------------------------------------
01 -4B4E0845 -Silent Hill HD
02 -4B4E07E5 -Silent Hill: Homecoming
03 -4B4E0823 -Silent Hill: Downpour
------Tomb Raider ----------------------------------------
01 -58410A59 -Tomb Raider: Guardian of Light
02 -534307EA -Tomb Raider: Anniversary
03 -534307D4 -Tomb Raider: Legend
04 -534307EC -Tomb Raider: Underworld
05 -53510802 -Tomb Raider 9
------Shooting -------------------------------------------
01 -584108AA -1942
02 -435A07DD -Akai Katana Shin
03 -545A07D3 -Akai Katana
04 -465607DF -Bullet Soul
05 -533007D0 -Caladrius
06 -435A07D5 -DeathSmiles
07 -435A07D9 -DeathSmiles 2X
08 -465607D2 -DoDonPachi: Daioujou
09 -545A07D2 -DoDonPachi: Resurrection
10 -435A07E7 -DoDonPachi: Saidaioujou
11 -515507D1 -Eschatos
12 -435A07D8 -Espguluda 2
13 -515507D2 -Ginga Force
14 -58410A78 -Guwange
15 -58410878 -Ikaruga
16 -465607D1 -Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi Extra
17 -475207F6 -Mamoru Kun Wa Norowarete Shimatta
18 -435A07DE -Muchi Muchi Pork! & Pink Sweets
19 -435A07E3 -Mushihimesama
20 -435A07D7 -Mushihimesama Futari
21 -584108A5 -Omega Five
22 -4B4E07EE -Otomedius Gorgeous
23 -4B4E081A -Otomedius Excellent
24 -4B5107D3 -Radirgy Noa Massive
25 -58410A54 -Radiant Silvergun
26 -4D4F07D1 -Raiden 4
27 -535507D4 -Raiden Fighters:Aces
28 -415707D2 -Shikigami no Shiro 3
29 -544707D1 -Shooting Love 200X
30 -334807D2 -Shooting Love 10 Shuunen
31 -58411234 -Sine Mora
32 -434607D3 -Strike Witches
33 -584109B8 -Trouble Witches
34 -475207FC -UNDER DEFEAT
35 -545A07D4 -UNDER DEFEAT
Lista de cheats para games em formato XBLA:
0 Day Attack on Earth +3
1942 +5
3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures +1
3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures 2 +1
Aegis Wings +3
After Burner Climax +4
Altered Beast +5
Apples to Apples +1
A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX +6
Assault Heroes +4
Assault Heroes 2 +4
Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate Deluxe Edition +2
Bejeweled 2 +3
Bejeweled 3 +5
Bionic Commandos Rearmed +3
Bionic Commandos Rearmed 2 +4
BloodRayne: Betrayal +3
Brain Challenge +3
Bubble Bobble Neo +2
BurgerTime World Tour +3
Capcom Arcade Cabinet +xx (All 17 DLC Games)
Castle Crashers +9
Castle of Illusion +3
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair +8
Castlevania: Mirror of Fate HD +5
Castlevania Symphony of the Night +5
Castlevania Symphony of the Night JPN +5
Charlie Murder +3
Comix Zone +1
Contra +4
Crazy Mouse +2
Crazy Taxi +2
Crystal Defenders +3
DarkStalkers Resurrection +5
Death Tank +5
Defender +4
Dig Dug +2
Double Dragon +4
Double Dragon II: Wander of The Dragons +4
Double Dragon Neon +7
Ducktales Remastered +6
Dungeons and Dragons Chronicles +6
Earthworm Jim HD +6
EXIT 2 +2
Fatal Fury Special +3
Fighting Vipers +3
Final Exam +7
Final Fight +8
Frogger +4
Frogger 2 +2
Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition +2
Galaga +3
Galaga Legions +1
Galaga Legions DX +4
Garou MOW +4
Gatling Gears +2
Gauntlet +2
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams +6
Golden Axe +6
Guardian Heroes +4
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus +4
Gunstar Heroes +2
Guwange +3
Gyruss +3
Half Minute Hero +4
Hardcorps Uprising +9
Heavy Weapon +6
Ikaruga +3
Interpol +2
Invincible Tiger +6
Jojos Bizarre Adventure HD +6
Joust +2
KOF Sky Stage +4
Kung Fu Strike +6
Lode Runner +1
Lucha Fury +5
Marvel vs Capcom 2 +4
Marvel vs Capcom Origins +5
Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond +7
Megaman 9 +9
Megaman 10 +8
Metal Slug 3 +7
Metal Slug XX +7
Minesweeper Flags +1
Moon Diver +3
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection +5
Mr. DRILLER Online
Ms Pacman +3
NBA Jam OFE +7
New Rally X +4
NFL Blitz +2
Omega Five +6
Outland +2
OutRun Online Arcade +4
Pacman +2
Pac-Man Championship Edition +3
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX +4
Paperboy +3
Peggle +4
Peggle 2 +6
Phantasy Star II +4
Pinball Arcade +1
Plants vs Zombies +5
Prince of Persia +3
R.B.I. Baseball 14 +7
Radiant Silvergun +3
Raystorm +6
Renegade Ops +9
Retro City Rampage +7
Robotron 2084 +4
Rocket Knight +7
Rtype Dimensions +4
Rush'n Attack +3
Sacred Citadel +8
Samurai Shodown II +4
Scramble +2
Sega Vintage Collection Alex Kidd & Co. +8
Sega Vintage Collection Golden Axe +8
Sega Vintage Collection Streets of Rage +6
Sega Vintage Collection Wonder Boy +7
Serious Sam Double D XXL +4
Shadow Complex +4
Shank +2
Shank 2 +5
Shinobi +4
Shoot Many Robots +6
Sine Mora +8
Smash TV +8
Sonic the Fighters +4
Sonic the Hedgehog +5
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 +4
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 +3
Sonic & Knuckles +4
Sonic 4 Episode 1 +3
Sonic 4 Episode 2 +3
Soul Calibur +2
Soul Calibur 2 HD +5
Space Invaders Extreme +4
Spelunky +6
SF2 +3
SF3 OE +7
Strania +7
Strider +6
Streets of Rage 2 +6
Super Contra +4
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix +3
Super Time Force +7
Tecmo Bowl Throwback +2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1989 Classic Arcade +3
The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai +6
The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile +3
The Fancy Pants Adventures +4
The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match +4
The King of Fighters 2002 : Unlimited Match +4
The Simpsons Arcade +3
The Warriors: Street Brawl +7
Time Pilot +3
Triggerheart Exelica +5
Turtles In Time RS +3
UMK3 +8
Unbound Saga +4
Virtua Fighter 2 +4
Virtua Fighter 5 +2
Voltron: Defender of the Universe +7
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team +5
WOTB: Commando 3 +4
Xevious +3
X-MEN Arcade +3
Yie Ar Kung-Fu +3
Yu-Gi-Oh ! 5D's Decade Duels, PLUS +2
Zombie Apocalypse +4
Zombie Apocalypse Never Die Alone +3
Zombie Wranglers +4
Link Trainers GOD:
Link Traners XBLA:
Apenas para RGH!
Não esqueça de agradecer o Uploader! =)
Não esqueça de deixar seu comentário repudiando o uso de cheats! ^^